Why is blogging useful?

A series of ideas from the School Direct Team



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14 Responses to Why is blogging useful?

  1. Ian says:

    Blogging can be useful as it can show parents what children are learning in school. A blog can allow people to extend their learning through receiving tips on how to complete something e.g scratch. A blog can combine practical and informative information and put it across in an accessible way.

  2. Becca says:

    The blog is an effective way of communicating with parents.
    The blog is an interesting way of engaging pupils with ICT and media including the use of green screen.
    The blog has useful links to websites such as CBBC so that students can access other information.

    The blog could be improved by having the archive link at the top – scrolling down every time is frustrating.
    The blog could be improved by having separate areas for each class – that way parents can easily find information and work directly related to their children.

    • Richard Smith says:

      Thanks Becca, I really like the way you have come up with suggestions too.

      Yes, each post can be tagged with the Year number.

      Mr Smith

  3. Emma says:

    Great way of interacting with parents and children.
    Shares learning with a wider field, and encourages children to reflect on learning out of school creating a sense of ownership and desire to share learning.
    The blog demonstrates a range of skills the children have developed.

  4. Sarah says:

    The design of the page is clear and snazzy.
    I like that it has links to other social media accounts.
    It links nicely to literacy (especially the news updates).

  5. Gemma says:

    Blogging is useful because you can use it to make different subjects more interactive and cross curricular. By involving the pupils in role play activities which can then be commented on, it engages pupils interest. The use of videos can add a fun element yet still remain educational.

  6. Huw and Vanessa says:

    This is a great blog because it is clear that all entries have been created and written by the children themselves.

    I like the fact that many of the entries engage the reader through their interactive nature.

    I thought the news bulletins were a great idea as they are a great way to inform all stakeholders of the school of events and achievements of the children and the school.

    Showed children’s work and what they were creating over a range of subjects and topics which allows parents to be up to date and allows prospective parents a chance to see what their child would be doing within school.

  7. Kelsee says:

    From looking at the Grange Park Primary School ICT Blog I can see many advantages to blogging. This blog in particular documents recent events and occurrences in the primary school; highlighting the learning opportunities that the children have partaken in. The Grange Park Primary School Blog is interesting and engaging for readers and visitors because it documents the learning in different forms. For example, through video, photographs, Scratch projects and text making it appealing for different kinds of visitors and emphasising different forms of ICT that the children use.

    The blog is user friendly and easy to navigate around as it is set out clearly with categories, dates of posts, most recent posts and a search bar etc. Relationships with visitors that are not just people with connections to the school are encouraged as comments are welcomed by the blog posts with prompts such as ‘tell us your thoughts’. Children have commented on the posts which means that they are actively involved after the posts are created and can therefore see the benefits.

  8. William says:

    I like the way it has a maybe easy interface even for people like us!
    The revolver maps are maybe a cool app.
    The CBBC Newsweek brings up interesting age appropriate news, maybe.

  9. Tim says:

    I really like the interactive experience for students, being able to comment on content is great! You can even ask your students questions and have them all reply!

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