Should the school day be extended to an 8am start and a 6pm finish?

There are proposals regarding the length of the school day. One of these proposals suggests that the school day should start at 8am and finish at 6pm. Do you agree?

Remember to make your argument clear, elaborate on your argument, use a range of conjunctions to link your ideas and use a range of persuasive devices.

Devices you may find useful include:

  • Modal verbs – will, should
  • Emotive language – appalling, remarkable, spectacular, detrimental
  • Superlatives – best, most

You could also include a counter argument but remember to bounce back from it!!


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52 Responses to Should the school day be extended to an 8am start and a 6pm finish?

  1. Kamaljot says:

    If children start school at 8am and finish school at 6pm you will have to eat breakfast, lunch and tea at school so this would be beneficial for others with healthy eating. However, if we eat 3 meals at school the school will have to pay the dinner ladies even more and you will have to pay more for dinners. Do you want to pay three times as more?

    • Rosalinda says:

      Do you think it is the schools place to feed children 3 school meals every week day ?
      As well as that, do you think most parents could afford this ?

      • Bradley says:

        Most parents will not have to pay for most things because they will get free meals sometimes

      • Tabitha says:

        In response to Rosalinda’s reply:
        I see where you’re coming from Rosalinda but the school could lower the prices by splitting the original price of £2 into three so then it will cost the same price as one dinner for three dinners.

  2. Jade says:

    The school day shouldn’t be extended because children stress enough over 6 hour days let alone 10 hour days and they would become depressed because they don’t see their family much and the relationship deteriorates.

  3. Attiqa says:

    Attiqa and Holly don’t agree with this proposal. The school hour should not be extended to 10 hours because the young minds of children may not be able to cope with the long, exhausting hours. If the children aren’t fully focused they won’t be able to achieve academically. Due to this , it can jeopardise their future.

    • Abbey says:

      In response of your comment what will happen if the children attend the 10 hours and do all that work besides becoming exhausted.

  4. Elyse says:

    I think the school day shouldn’t be extended to a 8am start to 6pm finish, as children wouldn’t be able to focus and wont produce their best piece of work, which will mean their levels could drop rapidly. Also lack of sleep will effect their school life and they may fall asleep in class. In addition, teachers and children wont get a lot of time to see their families. Would you want this to happen to you? The majority of teachers spend their spare time seeing their loved ones whereas they will just have to mark books all day and night. Enthusiam to learning will go down among children. Although I see their point that they will get a good job and an excellent education but I think its too much information for the younger generation to retain. It’s a long day!

  5. Kamaljot says:

    I say no because they have to work 50 hours a week and the younger children will be more tired then the older children. The teachers will have to teach more and mark more and they wont be able to see their families that much.

  6. Abbey says:

    I think it shouldn’t be changed because the younger generation will be coming into school and falling asleep in class. As a result of this they will not be doing much work as their batteries are not charged 100%.

  7. Tabitha says:

    Me and Shannon think that the school hours shouldn’t be extended from 6 hours to 10 because children would get exhausted at the end of the day. They would also have extra subjects and less time to sleep.

  8. Elyse says:

    The younger generation wont be able to cope with all of the information in their minds so it could ruin their future.

  9. Kamaljot says:

    We think we shouldn’t go to school for 10 hours because we will be tired and you will drop levels dramatically because you have less than 10 hours of sleep.

  10. Rosalinda says:


    If the school day was extended to an 8am start and a 6pm finish then the children will become more confident in lesson and maybe even get a higher sub level , however coming into school everyday for 10 hours they will then become really tired and will lose their passion for learning.

  11. Abbey says:

    Ally : I think this shouldn’t be changed because the teachers already spend most of their time marking childrens book. Thats enough to deal with.

  12. Attiqa says:

    Although children will get tired quickly they will also grow more confident, which can improve their social skills . Do you want their social skills to improve more ? Well I certainly do.

    • Mrs Tyrer says:

      So, are you ‘for’ the extension or ‘against’ it? It’s not clear from your argument.

  13. Jodie says:

    I think the time at school should be reduced because childen do not get enought quality time with their family .This can have a big impact on the child’s future.

  14. Bradley says:

    I don’t think school should start at 8am and finish at 6pm because children will be exhausted and their work rate will dramatically plummet

  15. Elyse says:

    If school started at 8am till 6pm, then the children would have to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner at school but that is their parents responsibility. In addition, parents wont have full ownership of their child, however if the parents don’t have a lot of money they could work full time and earn that money.

  16. Jade says:

    No I don’t think the school day should be extended because it would waste the children’s precious time by not letting them see their parents, which would cause problems within their families.

  17. Luke E says:

    Me and Callum think that the hours should stay the same because some children cannot cope with six hours never mind ten. And it will destroy children’s enthusiasm for learning and levels will drop.

    • Kamaljot says:


      I agree and they will drop levels because the amount of sleep they are getting is not enough

  18. Attiqa says:

    It is quite appalling that the government want to do this. 8 am till 6pm! Children will be to tired to put 100% in their work.

  19. Bradley says:

    I think school should start at 8am and finish at 6pm because if you stay for longer you can get a better education and you get to do more activity

  20. Rosalinda says:


    I am for this proposal and this is why.

    Achievement in the academic system has been going down hill for many years now and raising the hours that children will have to attend to school daily, will result in a tremendous outcome for future learning. There should be precautions, such as younger children eg year 2 and below, who should go to school for a fraction of the 10 hours. Older pupils should go for the full 10 hours. Secondary school pupils should be the ones to have the full 10 hours as they have the extra brain power.

  21. Jade says:

    The appalling hours that the children will be forced to attend school, will be rewarded by a good education and future. This is depending on how well the children cope with excessive hours of work.

  22. Luke E says:

    Callum: I think they should stay the same because 6 hours a day is long enough, and they will still have a good education

  23. Abbey says:

    Parents will not get enough time with their children because some children got to bed at 7 pm but if they go to afterschool clubs then they will only get half an hour with their family.

  24. Elena Hayward says:

    I don’t think that is very fair because to be paying £6 a day to feed your child or other for others because it could be a case of having to pay £12 or even £18 a day to feed your child/children is quite a lot of money or to provide your children with that much food then the chances are they won’t eat properly. Also this can effect your sleep, attitude and spending time with your family.

  25. kirsten doody says:

    the children will be to tired for the next day and so on and so on. they will not have enough time to eat their breakfast and will not have time to spend with family

  26. Emily says:

    If you have school at 8am to 6pm you will have hardly any time to spend with your family.It will help you with schoolwork because there is more time but you should spend time with your family too.

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