
Lots of schools have been getting students to create their own games, programs and apps by writing code.

  • What have you found useful this year?
  • Why has it been useful?
  • Are there any websites or links you would suggest to others?

Ideas are on Mr Smith’s website

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14 Responses to Coding

  1. Alistair says:

    At home I managed to make two (useless) programs using a program called Visual Basic 2008. My dad had a copy of it and an instruction book. My first program was just a program with a splash screen and a button saying (QUIT) in it.
    My other program was a test to make a progress bar work. I got it to work eventually.

  2. alex says:

    I have found html a good coding website as it uses proper coding.

  3. Alistair Barnes says:

    In Randlay Primary School we use Scratch to practise coding. Link to my Scratch account:

  4. Alistair Barnes says:

    My dad works at a company named Agilent Technologies and he is an engineer.

  5. Ernest says:

    I really enjoyed making and programing on kodu game lab.

  6. mia butler says:

    My dad works in coding as he is a director at a big gaming company called ENTNET . Coding is really important as you can make almost any game or animation with it!

  7. millie.adams says:

    I found the learning the coding game useful so I would recamed that website

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